Model fields ============ Here come some custom model fields mostly designed to work with PostgreSQL. .. class:: IntegerArrayField BigIntegerArrayField StringArrayField(max_length=None) An arrays of integers, big integers or strings. Most useful to store different array fields to store array of values or choices:: DAYS = zip(range(7), 'Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat'.split()) class Company(models.Model): phones = StringArrayField('Phone numbers', blank=True, default=lambda: []) workdays = IntegerArrayField('Work days', choices=DAYS) company = Company(phones=['234-5016', '516-2314'], workdays=[1,2,3,4]) In model form ``phones`` field would be represented as :class:`CommaSeparatedInput` and ``workdays`` as multiple checkboxes:: class CompanyForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Company # No additional magic needed .. class:: JSONField(pickle=False) A field for storing arbitrary jsonifyable data. Set ``pickle`` to True to pickle anything non-jsonifyable. .. class:: PickleField A field for storing arbitrary picklable data. .. class:: AdditionalAutoField Additional autoincremented field which is not primary key. Should be used with ``AdditionalAutoFieldManager``:: from handy.models import AdditionalAutoField, AdditionalAutoFieldManager class MyModel(models.Model): num = AdditionalAutoField() _base_manager = AdditionalAutoFieldManager() .. class:: BigAutoField An ``AutoField`` but uses bigint. If ``external_sequence`` argument is set to true then sequence is not created with field.